Charlie (Harvey Keitel) is a young Italian-American man in New York City. He is hampered by his feeling of responsibility towards his reckless younger friend Johnny Boy (Robert De Niro), a small-time gambler who owes money to many loan sharks.
Charlie works for his uncle Giovanni (Cesare Danova),
a powerful loan shark and political fixer, mostly collecting debts. He
is also having a secret affair with Johnny Boy's cousin Teresa (Amy Robinson), who has epilepsy
and is ostracized because of her condition - especially by Charlie's
uncle. Charlie's uncle also wants Charlie not to be such close friends
with Johnny, saying "Honorable men go with honorable men."
Charlie is torn between his devout Catholicism
and his illicit work for his uncle. As the film progresses, Johnny
becomes increasingly self-destructive and disrespectful of his
creditors. Failing to receive redemption in the church, Charlie seeks it
through sacrificing himself on Johnny's behalf.
At a bar, a small time loan shark and peer of Charlie and Johnny named Michael (Richard Romanus)
comes looking for Johnny to "pay up", but to his surprise, Johnny
insults him. Michael lunges at Johnny, who retaliates by pulling a gun
on him. After a tense standoff, Michael walks away, and Charlie
convinces Johnny that they should leave town for a brief period. Teresa
insists on coming with them. Charlie borrows a car and they drive off,
escaping the neighborhood without incident.
A car that has been following them suddenly pulls up, Michael at the wheel and his henchman, Jimmy Shorts (Martin Scorsese),
in the backseat. Jimmy fires several shots at Charlie's car, hitting
Johnny in the neck and Charlie in the hand, causing Charlie to crash the
car. An ambulance and police arrive at the scene, and paramedics take
Charlie and Johnny away.
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